Vegetable - Onion

Onion bulb and extract are also used to make medicine. Onion contains chemicals that seem to reduce swelling and lung tightness related to asthma. It also contains chemicals that seem to reduce cholesterol and lower blood sugar. People use onion to prevent scarring.

The anti-inflammatory properties of onions will reduce the pain and build your body's Immunity. The onion plant has a sulphur compound called sulphites which immediately acts against pain. To apply, mix mustard oil and onion juice in equal portions. Blend it well and put it directly on the affected knee area.


Have Many Antioxidants
Help with Blood Sugar Levels.
Improved Digestive Health.
Loaded with Nutrients.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties.
May Keep Certain Cancers at Bay.
Reduces Risks of Alzheimer's Disease.
Great Source of Vitamin C.